How to change port for phpMyadmin on Ubuntu 22 VPS Server 

How to Change the phpMyAdmin Port on AlmaLinux

Change the phpMyAdmin Port on AlmaLinux phpMyAdmin is a popular web-based tool for managing MySQL and MariaDB databases. By default, phpMyAdmin runs on port 80 (HTTP) or port 443 (HTTPS) as part of the web server. Changing the default port can improve security by making it less accessible to potential attackers. This article provides a […]

How to create a file in CentOS?

Create a File in CentOS Creating files in CentOS is a fundamental skill every user should master. Whether you’re tweaking configurations, writing scripts, or jotting down notes, knowing how to create and edit files is crucial. Let’s dive into the various ways you can create a file in CentOS using text editors like nano, vi, […]

How to Install Webmin on CentOS 7

How to Install Webmin on CentOS 7 VPS Server A Comprehensive Guide  Introduction  Ever felt like managing your VPS was akin to taming a wild beast? Enter Webmin! This nifty tool is like having a magic wand for your Unix-like systems, letting you handle everything from user accounts to server services through an easy-to-navigate web […]

How to Install Wine on Ubuntu VPS Server

Install Wine on Ubuntu VPS Server  Introduction  Alright, tech enthusiasts, gather ’round! Have you ever wanted to run your favorite Windows applications on an Ubuntu VPS server? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re diving into the wonderful world of Wine—no, not the kind you drink, but the software that makes running Windows apps on […]

How to remove a user in CentOS VPS Server

How to Eradicate a User in CentOS VPS Server  Introduction  Hello there! Ever caught yourself in a quandary, pondering the eradication of a user from your CentOS VPS server? User management on a VPS is paramount for sustaining a secure and efficient ecosystem. Whether you’re purging obsolete accounts or addressing a security conundrum, mastering the […]

How to Install MySQL and phpMyAdmin on AlmaLinux 8.4

How to Install MySQL and phpMyAdmin on AlmaLinux 8.4 This guide will walk you through the secure installation of MySQL and phpMyAdmin on AlmaLinux 8.4, ensuring all configurations are properly set up for a secure environment. You can automate the installation by using the following Bash script: wget Prerequisites A fresh installation of AlmaLinux […]

How to install EPEL repository on CentOS

Learn How to Install EPEL Repository on CentOS VPS Server Introduction Have you ever found yourself struggling to find the right packages for your CentOS VPS server? Well, that’s where the EPEL repository comes in handy! EPEL stands for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux, and it’s a treasure trove of additional packages that you can […]

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