How to install Open VPN Access Server on RELIABLE VPS Hosting


How to install Open VPN Access Server on RELIABLE VPS Hosting

Installing OpenVPN Access Server on Linux VPS


In today’s digital age, securing your internet connection is more critical than ever. One effective way to enhance security on your VPS is by installing OpenVPN Access Server. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you have a secure and efficient VPN setup on your VPS.

Performance Recommendations

Choosing the right performance package for your VPS is crucial for optimal operation. Here are some recommended configurations:

Good Performance:

High Performance:

These configurations ensure your server operates efficiently, balancing processing power and resource optimization.


Before diving into the installation, ensure you have the following:

  • Root Privileges: You must have root access to your VPS to install OpenVPN Access Server.
  • Recommended OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) is recommended for this installation.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Let’s get started with the installation process.

Update System and Install Prerequisites

First, update your system’s package list and install the necessary certificates, wget, net-tools, and gnupg. Run the following command

apt update && apt -y install ca-certificates wget net-tools gnupg

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Add the OpenVPN Access Server Repository

Next, add the OpenVPN Access Server repository to your system. This involves downloading the repository’s public key and configuring your package manager to use the new repository. Execute the following commands:

 wget -qO /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/as-repository.asc

Then, add the repository to your sources list:

 echo “deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/as-repository.asc] jammy main” >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/openvpn-as-repo.list
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Install OpenVPN Access Server

After adding the repository, update your package list again and install the openvpn-as package. This also installs the client bundle automatically. Run:

apt update && apt -y install openvpn-as

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now you Will Get Access Server Information

Access Server 2.13.1 has been successfully installed in /usr/local/openvpn_as
Configuration log file has been written to /usr/local/openvpn_as/init.log

Access Server Web UIs are available here:
Admin UI: https://Your IP:943/admin
Client UI: https://Your IP:943 
Login as "openvpn" with "RR4ImyhwbFFq" to continue
(password can be changed on Admin UI)

VPN linux

open VPN

  •  Verification your Signing by type the Code you are Received from Email inbox VPN Server 03
  • Complete your personal Information
    VPN server 03
  • Choose Try Free Version that will provide you 2 VPN connection concurrentVPN server 04
  •  Just Select Activation Key  then Go under Subscription and Copy The activation Key and activate your access server panel
    OpenVPN 0
  • Access Server Web Admin  https://Your IP:943/admin and login by your Username and password above.OpenVPN 01
  • Agree of OpenVPN Access Server End user License agreementOpenVPN 02
  • Go to  Left pane configuration under it Choose Activation  and past The Activation KeyOpenVPN 03
  • No you access server activated with your Free Subscription with 2 VPN connectionBy following these steps, you will have successfully installed Open VPN Access Server  with Registration and Get Subscription and activate it  on your Linux system. The process involves updating your package list, adding the Open VPN Access Server repository, and installing the necessary package. Using recommended versions and performance packages ensures a secure and efficient installation, ready to meet your VPN needs.


Installing OpenVPN Access Server on your VPS is a straightforward process that significantly enhances your network security. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth and efficient setup, making your internet usage safer and more secure.


What is OpenVPN Access Server?

OpenVPN Access Server is a robust VPN solution that provides secure remote access to your network resources.

Why use a VPS for OpenVPN Access Server?

A VPS offers dedicated resources and greater control, making it ideal for hosting a VPN server like OpenVPN Access Server.

How to troubleshoot installation issues?

Check the installation logs located at /usr/local/openvpn_as/init.log and ensure all prerequisites are met.

Can I upgrade my subscription for more connections?

Yes, you can upgrade your subscription through the OpenVPN Access Server portal for additional VPN connections.

How secure is OpenVPN Access Server?

OpenVPN Access Server uses robust encryption standards and offers various security features to ensure your data remains protected.

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