How to change RDP Port ?

How to change RDP Port ?

  • Changing the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) port on your VPS (Virtual Private Server) can be done to enhance security by avoiding common default ports.
    Here are the general steps to change the RDP port:
  • Note: Make sure you have a backup plan for accessing your server in case something goes wrong before making any modifications.
  1. Connect to your VPS:
    • Use the console that your VPS hosting provider has given, or use your current RDP connection.
  2. Access the Registry Editor:
    • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type regedit and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  3. Navigate to the RDP Port Registry Key:
    • Navigate to the following registry key:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp
  4. Modify the Port Number:
    • Find the PortNumber DWORD on the right side and double-click it.
    • Choose the “Decimal” base and enter the new port number. Common alternatives include values like 3390 or 3389.
  5. Update Firewall Rules:
    • Update the rules on your firewall, if you have one, to permit traffic on the new RDP port.
      Making sure that your server is still accessible requires doing this.
  6. Restart the Remote Desktop Service:
    • Open the Services application (services.msc) from the Run dialog.
    • Find the service named “Remote Desktop Services” or “Remote Desktop Configuration.”
    • Right-click and choose “Restart.”
  7. Test the Connection:
    • Try to establish an RDP connection to your VPS using the new port.
    • Ensure your RDP client specifies the new port, e.g., your_server_ip:3390.
  8. Update Security Groups or Firewall Settings (if applicable):
    • Make careful to adjust the security group or external firewall settings on any networks your VPS is connected to in order to permit traffic on the new RDP port.
  • Remember that changing the RDP port alone is just one step in enhancing security.
    It’s also recommended to implement other security measures, such as strong passwords, network-level authentication, and if possible, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for remote access.
    Always exercise caution when making changes to the registry, and consider creating a backup or snapshot of your server before proceeding.

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