How to install python on CentOS


How to install python on CentOS

How to Install Python on CentOS 


Have you ever wondered how to get Python up and running on CentOS? If you’re using a VPS, knowing how to install Python can make your life a lot easier, especially if you’re diving into development or automation tasks. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing Python 3.x on CentOS 7 step by step. Whether you’re new to CentOS or just need a refreer, this article has got you covered. 

Understanding CentOS 

Before we dive into the installation process, let’s take a moment to understand what CentOS is. CentOS, ort for Community ENTerprise Operating System, is a popular Linux distribution derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It’s known for its stability, security, and performance, making it a preferred choice for servers and VPS environments. 

Features of CentOS 

CentOS boasts several features that make it stand out: 

Stability and Reliability: CentOS is designed for long-term support, ensuring stability over years. 

Security: Regular updates and patches keep CentOS secure. 

Performance: Optimized for performance, CentOS is ideal for both development and production environments. 

Common Uses of CentOS 

CentOS is widely used in various scenarios, including: 

Web Hosting: Many web hosting services run on CentOS due to its robustness. 

Development Environments: Developers use CentOS to simulate production environments. 

Enterprise Applications: CentOS supports large-scale enterprise applications thanks to its stability and security. 

Why Install Python on CentOS? 

Python is a versatile programming language that has gained immense popularity for its simplicity and readability. Installing Python on CentOS can open up a world of possibilities for developers and system administrators alike. 

Benefits of Python 

Ease of Learning: Python’s straightforward syntax makes it an excellent choice for beginners. 

Extensive Libraries: With libraries for almost any task, Python can handle web development, data analysis, automation, and more. 

Community Support: A large and active community means you can find help and resources easily. 

Applications of Python on CentOS 

By installing Python on your CentOS system, you can: 

Automate System Tasks: Write scripts to automate repetitive tasks. 

Develop Web Applications: Use frameworks like Django or Flask to build web apps. 

Data Analysis and Visualization: Leverage libraries like pandas and matplotlib for data projects. 


Before you start the installation process, there are a few prerequisites you need to take care of: 

System Requirements 

Ensure your system meets the following requirements: 

Operating System: CentOS 7 

User Privileges: Root or sudo access 

Preparing Your VPS for Installation 

If you’re using a VPS, make sure it is properly configured and updated. A well-prepared VPS ensures a smooth installation process. 

Updating Package Index 

It’s always a good idea to update the package index to ensure you’re installing the latest versions of packages. 

Importance of Updating Packages 

Updating your packages ensures that you have the latest security patches and software updates, which can prevent compatibility issues. 

Commands to Update Package Index 

To update the package index, run the following command in your terminal: 

sudo yum update
Python on CentOS

Installing EPEL Repository 

Before installing Python 3.x, you need to enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository. 

What is EPEL Repository? 

EPEL is a repository of high-quality add-on packages that are not included in the default CentOS repository. It provides extra packages for CentOS, including Python 3.x. 

Steps to Install EPEL Repository 

To install the EPEL repository, use the following command: 


sudo yum install epel-release

install the EPEL

Installing Python 3.x 

With the EPEL repository enabled, you can now proceed to install Python 3.x. 

Downloading Python 3.x 

First, ensure that the EPEL repository is installed correctly. Then, run the following command to install Python 3.x: 

Installing Python

Installation Steps 

The command above will download and install Python 3.x on your CentOS system. Once the installation is complete, you can verify it by checking the Python version. 

Verifying Python Installation 

After installing Python 3.x, it’s crucial to verify the installation to ensure everything is set up correctly. 

Checking Python Version 

To check the installed Python version, run: 

python3 –version

Checking Python Version

Running a Test Script 

Create a simple Python script to test the installation: 



print(“Hello, Python on CentOS!”)

Save this script as and run it using: 



If you see the output “Hello, Python on CentOS!”, your installation was successful. 

Setting Up Python Environment 

Using virtual environments can help you manage dependencies and project-specific settings without affecting the global Python installation. 

Using Virtual Environments 

Virtual environments allow you to create isolated environments for your Python projects. To create a virtual environment, first install virtualenv: 

sudo yum install python3-virtualenv

Installing Virtualenv 

Once virtualenv is installed, you can create a new environment with: 


virtualenv myenv

Activate the environment using: 


source myenv/bin/activate

Managing Python Packages 

Python’s package manager, pip, makes it easy to install and manage packages. 

Using pip and pip3 

Use pip for Python 2.7 packages and pip3 for Python 3.x packages. For example, to install requests using pip3, run: 



pip3 install requests

Commonly Used Python Packages 

Some popular Python packages you might want to install include: 

numpy: For numerical computations 

requests: For making HTTP requests 

pandas: For data manipulation and analysis 

Running Python Scripts 

Running Python scripts in Python 3.x is straightforward. 

Basic Python Script Example 

Create a simple script named 



import requests

response = requests.get(‘’)

Running Scripts in Python 3.x 

Execute the script with: 


Troubleooting Common Issues 

Sometimes, you might run into issues during installation or while using Python. 

Installation Errors 

If you encounter errors during installation, ensure that your system is updated and that you have the necessary permissions. 

Version Conflicts 

If you have multiple versions of Python installed, use python3 and pip3 to avoid conflicts with Python 2.7. 

Updating Python Versions 

Keeping your Python installation up to date is important for security and compatibility. 

Keeping Python Updated 

Regularly check for updates and apply them to keep your environment secure. 

Commands for Updating Python 

To update Python, you can run: 



sudo yum update python3


Installing Python on CentOS is a straightforward process that opens up a world of possibilities for automation, development, and more. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up Python 3.x on your CentOS 7 system and start leveraging the power of this versatile programming language. 


What is CentOS used for? 

CentOS is commonly used for servers, web hosting, and enterprise applications due to its stability and performance. 

How do I update Python on CentOS? 

You can update Python on CentOS using the command sudo yum update python3. 

Can I install multiple Python versions on CentOS? 

Yes, you can have both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x installed simultaneously on CentOS. 

What are the benefits of using a VPS for Python development? 

Using a VPS for Python development provides a stable, scalable, and secure environment that can be customized to meet your needs. 

How do I uninstall Python from CentOS? 

To uninstall Python, you can use the command sudo yum remove python3. 



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