How to change hostname in Rocky Linux

How to change hostname in Rocky Linux

How to Change Hostname in Rocky Linux 

Are you looking to personalize your Rocky Linux experience by changing the hostname? Whether it’s for organizational purposes or simply personal preference, modifying your hostname is a straightforward process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to change your hostname in Rocky Linux, ensuring a seamless transition. 

Checking Current Hostname 

Before diving into the hostname change process, it’s essential to know your current hostname. To do this, open your terminal and execute the following command: 

  • hostnamectl
    Checking Current Hostname 
  • This command will display your current hostname, providing the necessary information to proceed with the modification. 

    Changing the Hostname 

    Once you’ve identified your current hostname, it’s time to set a new one. Using the sudo hostnamectl set-hostname new_hostname command, replace new_hostname with your desired hostname. This command instructs Rocky Linux to update the system’s hostname accordingly. 

    Changing the Hostname 


  • Updating the /etc/hosts File 

    After setting the new hostname, it’s crucial to update the /etc/hosts file to reflect the changes. Open the file using your preferred text editor, such as Nano: 

    sudo nano /etc/hosts

    Within the file, locate the line starting with and replace the old hostname with the new one. This ensures proper resolution of the hostname to the loopback address.

    Verifying Changes 

    To confirm the successful hostname change, execute the hostnamectl command once again: 


    Verifying Changes 

  • This command will display the updated hostname, providing assurance that the modification has been applied successfully. 

  • Optional: Rebooting the System 

    While not always necessary, rebooting your system can ensure that the changes take full effect across all services and applications: 

    sudo reboot

    By rebooting, you ensure that all processes start fresh with the updated hostname, minimizing any potential conflicts or discrepancies. 

  • Conclusion 

    Congratulations! You’ve successfully changed the hostname in Rocky Linux. By following these simple steps, you’ve personalized your system to better suit your needs. Remember to use the new hostname for future configurations and enjoy a seamless computing experience on your Rocky Linux system. 


    1. Can I revert to my old hostname if needed?

    • Yes, you can revert to your previous hostname by following the same steps and specifying the old hostname. 
    1. Do I need to change the hostname on all my servers running Rocky Linux?

    • Yes, if you have multiple servers, you’ll need to repeat the process on each to ensure consistency. 
    1. Will changing the hostname affect my server’s performance?

    • No, changing the hostname typically has no impact on performance. It’s a simple configuration change. 
    1. Can I change the hostname without restarting my system?

    • Yes, by restarting the systemd-hostnamed service, you can apply the changes without rebooting the entire system. 
    1. Are there any specific rules for choosing a hostname?

    • While there are guidelines for hostname conventions, you have flexibility in choosing a name that suits your preferences and organizational standards. 


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